Variety Selection and Agronomy Practices for Soft Winter Wheat Malting

Research Date
Dennis Pennington
Best Practices, New Varieties
Crop Categories
Grain, Malt
Beverage Categories

Craft brewing is a large and growing economic sector in Michigan, but the malting industry is

held back by lack of a local supply of quality raw grains. Wheat beers already comprise an appreciable

segment of craft beer production in Michigan and the U.S. Demand for wheat beer products is growing.

Often grains with the best malting characteristics have the lowest yield potential for farmers, creating a

dichotomy between maltsters and farmers. The goal of the project is to identify wheat varieties and

agronomic production practices that provide acceptable quality to maltsters and high yield potential for

farmers. Four wheat varieties were selected based on previous grain quality responses and planted in a

split plot design with six fertility treatments (3 nitrogen plus 2 potassium). Yield, moisture and test

weight data was collected at harvest. In year 1, subsamples were sent to the Center for Craft Food and

Beverage Center at Hartwick College for pilot malting and full malt analysis. In year 2, subsamples were

sent to the MSU Malting Barley Quality Lab for partial malting quality analysis.

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