Identify the optimum rate and timing of tiafenacil in Michigan hop yards

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Product Development
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Field trials were established to determine the optimum rate and timing of tiafenacil in hop at grower field in Benton Harbor, MI during spring 2022 and repeated in 2023 where plots received same treatments as previous year. The experiment was organized in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Each plot will have at least 8 hop vines (4 hills). Same set of treatments were applied to each hop cultivars including Newport and Comet. In 2023, only Comet variety was used. Application timing: App A (broadcast): mid-late winter (3/15/2022; 3/21/23), app B (broadcast): Spring burndown approximately 2-3 weeks prior to hops training (4/26/2022; 4/27/23), app C (directed): Hops 6-8 feet tall (6/9/2022; 6/13/23), and app D (directed): Hops 12-16 feet tall (6/29/2022; 6/27/23). Treatment 01 was untreated weedy. Treatment 02 Aim (0.031 lb ai/a) and COC (1% v/v) was applied at winter, spring, PO1, and PO2 application timings. Treatment 03 Tiafenacil 1X (0.044 lb ai/a) and treatment 04 Tiafenacil 2X (0.088 lb ai/a) were applied at winter, PO1, and PO2 application timings; both received a application of Aim and COC (1% v/v) at the spring application. Treatment 05 Tiafenacil 1X and treatment 06 Tiafenacil 2X were applied at spring, PO1, and PO2 application timings; both received a application of Aim and COC (1% v/v) at the winter application. All treatments with Tiafenacil also included MSO (1% v/v) and Bronc (AMS 1% v/v). In both cultivars, weed control was reported similar from all treatments after winter and spring application and mainly grasses survived. After PO1 and PO2, higher broadleaf and grass control reported from tiafenacil application as compared to Aim. There was no difference reported for hop height and yield with respect to the treatments. Overall, Newport cultivar reported more sensitive to tiafenacil applications as compared to Comet cultivar. Both cultivars, recovered really well from winter and Spring herbicide injury. Two sequential POST applications of Tiafenacil (regardless of rates) during season significantly reduced lower hop foliage (higher injury to low hop vines) as compared to Aim. At the same time, two sequential POST applications of Tiafenacil (regardless of rates) cause some injury to the upper foliage as well; however, plants recovered from injury and no impact on hop height and yield was reported. In terms of hop plant injury, three sequential applications of Spring, PO1 and PO2 caused slightly higher injury as compared to winter, PO1, and PO2 application. Overall these results show that tiafenacil (0.044 and 0.088 lb/ac) has potential to use in hop yards for managing the lower vine foliage and weed control.

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