Finding Solutions to Manage Plant-Parasitic pests of Michigan Hopyards

Research Date
Quintanilla, Marisol, Darling, Ellie
Climate Change, Crop Quality, Pest Management
Crop Categories
Beverage Categories
Worldwide, plant-parasitic nematodes are estimated to cause a loss of $157 billion annually (Singh et al., 2015). In a 1987 study conducted by the Society of Nematologists Crop Loss Assessment Committee, Michigan and South Carolina were the most consistent in reporting yield loss due to plant-parasitic nematodes for the widest range of crops. Despite this, yield loss on hop from plant-parasitic nematodes within the United States remains widely unstudied and undetermined. The lack of United States literature on plant-parasitic nematodes of hop highlights the importance for studies on this specialty crop. Michigan Hop growers often suffer from intense viral and fungal infections, insect and mite pest threats, and likely, plantparasitic nematodes. These various pressures have been negatively impacting the Michigan craft beverage industry and severely prohibiting growers from receiving yields similar to the state of Washington. For these reasons, growers need to know how to best control plant parasitic nematodes. We believe growers should know to what extent plant-parasiticnematodes are influencing yield loss and how best to control these harmful pests. Using a multidisciplinary approach, our research team scratches the surface of plant-parasitic nematode hop research (partnered with important viral and yield data) to uncover what nematodes should be managed, and potential ways of how to manage them.

View: Final Performance Report MCB Call (PDF)

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