Building infrastructure in hops and barley to conduct plant pathology research relevant to Michigan's beer industry”

Research Date
Martin Chilvers, Timothy Miles
Best Practices, Crop Quality, Disease Management
Crop Categories
Barley, Hops
Beverage Categories

Hop diseases can be difficult to diagnose and management requires a custom approach to each disease (Fig. 2). Michigan has a very different production climate than the majority of the nation’s current hop production. Consequently, much of the extension and research material is not tailored to Michigan growers. DM is one of the most important diseases of hop in wet, humid production regions like Michigan. Many products are capable of controlling DM on a 10-day spray schedule (e.g. mandipropamid and flucopicolide), however, very little is known about combinations of these products to build an effective spray program for resistance management.

View: MCBC Chilvers barley and hops building infrastructure Final report Aug1220 (PDF)

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