2020 Southwest Michigan Horticultural Days

January 13, 2020

Jamie Styburski
Berrien County MSU Extension
(269) 927-5674

The Michigan Grape Society and Michigan State University Extension in partnership with Lake Michigan College will host the annual Southwest Michigan Horticultural Days conference February 5 and 6 at Lake Michigan College’s Mendel Center, 2755 E. Napier Ave., Benton Harbor, Michigan.

Registration begins at 8 am both days and all educational sessions begin at 9 am. Discussion of production issues will be led by MSU Extension agents, fruit growers, and university researchers. There will be educational sessions on tree fruits, vegetables, blueberries and grapes on both days. A new session on hemp production will also be offered this year. The event also features a trade show. Restricted use pesticide recertification credits have been requested.

Registration cost is $65 per person and is $65 per person at door. Mail registration to: Michigan Grape Society, P.O. Box 151, Baroda, MI 49101, Attention: Allen Zelmer. Make checks payable to Michigan Grape Society. For registration information only, please call Allen Zelmer at 269-870-5265. To view program details of specific presentations, go to canr.msu.edu/swmrec (look under Resources and Reports). Online registration for credit card payment is available at https://michigangrapesociety.simpletix.com/. Credit card payment will also be accepted at the door.

MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Persons with disabilities may request accommodations by calling 269-944-1477 by January 29, to ensure sufficient time to make arrangements. Requests received after this date will be met when possible.

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